MoWE and DPPPA Aceh, in collaboration with Balai Syura Ureung Inong Aceh and AMAN Indonesia held a capacity building workshop on implementation of Local Action Plan on P3AKS Aceh (14-15 July 2022) in Banda Aceh. Participated by 35 people (xx men, xx women) representatives from multiple backgrounds, including local government agencies, stakeholders, engaging the women’s group, the youth, people with disabilities, and the religious actor.
The participants have better understanding about building the WPS as a perspective, the implementation of WPS in Indonesia and its history and contextualization in Aceh, as well as the development and implementation of Aceh local action plan on P3AKS, and the roles of the stakeholders.
Moreover, during the workshop, there was discussion about synchronization between RAD P3AKS and RAD PE, considering the NAP P3AKS 2nd generation pointed out about prevention of violent extremism as one of the issues faced by women and girls in the current context. This workshop also results the recommendation of building and developing the effective monitoring and evaluation system and to encourage civil society engagement during the RAD implementation.