National Consolidation to Response the Upcoming ASEAN Regional Action Plan on WPS

Recognising the transformative roles of women in building, maintaining, and fostering peace and security in the region, ASEAN is currently developing a Regional Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security under the leadership of Cambodia. In order to respond and generate recommendations from civil society in Indonesia, AMAN Indonesia organized a virtual national consolidation, involving 52 CSOs, both local and national (27/6/2022).

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WPS Indonesia

K-Hub WPS Indonesia adalah platform online yang memberikan informasi singkat tentang perkembangan implementasi Resolusi Dewan Keamanan PBB 1325 tentang Women, Peace and Security di Indonesia. Ini merupakan situs web yang dapat diakses oleh publik dan berfungsi sebagai wadah pengetahuan terinstitusionalisasi mengenai Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) di Indonesia.