The Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (MoWE-CP) in collaboration with AMAN Indonesia held a two days workshop on finalization of the Plan of Action of Prevention, Empowerment and Participation’ field on P3AKS Working Group, especially in the prevention field. This workshop was held on Aloft Jakarta at 11 July 2022, attended by 39 participants (25 women,14 men) representative of 12 K/L from various deputy, they were MoWE, Kemendikbudristek, kemenag, Densus 88, Kemensos, Kominfo, POLRI, Kemenkumham, Kemendagri, BNPT, Komnas Perempuan and Kemenparekraf. The facilitator was internal facilitator AMAN Indonesia, MoWE and UmI Hanik from UN Women. The forum consists of 3 sessions: presentation about key issues ; discussion about the work plan; explanation about draft monitoring and evaluation.
The forum results was: First, The priority program of the Inter-agency Taskforce of P3AKS has been listed, especially in the Prevention field. Second, the work plan of the Inter-agency Taskforce of P3AKS has been revised. Third, increased knowledge of the participants (inter-agency Task Force of P3AKS) on the draft of monitoring and evaluation on the NAP implementation. Moreover, the forum provides a space for knowledge transfer among the participants about each program and what the K/L did.