Halaqoh Muda Menuju KUPI II

Towards the KUPI II will be held on november, AMAN Indonesia in collaboration with Mubadalah.id held a series of Halaqoh Muda Menuju KUPI II. The first halaqoh was Sapa Salingers, inviting 19 of Mubadalah.id contributors from various hometown, Cirebon, Yogya and Malang. Held in STKIP Sunan Pandanaran, the forum provides space to build collaboration and strengthen the contributors relationship. In addition, the participants also joined in the capacity building on SEO (search engine optimization) uses and analysis, facilitated by Ustadz Ahong (Bincang Syariah) and the strengthening of the uses of mubadalah as perspective facilitated by KH Faqih Abdul Kodir.

The second halaqoh: Sapa Santri (15/7/2022), held hybrid (zoom meeting and Krapyak Islamic boarding school) and participated by more than one hundred santri from 27 pesantren in Indonesia, such as Pondok Pesantren Wahid Hasyim Yogyakarta, Al-Falah, Salatiga, Walindo Pekalongan, Hasyim Asyari Jepara, Al Azqiya Malang, Khas Kempek Cirebon, Al Muayyad Solo, Darul Falah Be Songo Semarang, As Sa’diyah Gorontalo, An Nahdloh Makasar, Darunnajah Malang, Asrama Nurul Ihsan Situbondo, Darussalam Banyuwangi, An Nuqoyyah Madura, Kebon Jambu Cirebon, Qurotul Falah Banten, Al Mansuriyyah NTB, Cipasung Tasikmalaya, El Qory Jember, Khoriyah Hasyim Jombang, Al Islah Semarang, Manbaul Qur’an Temanggung, Nurul Huda Garut, Assyamsuriyah Brebes, Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Miftahul Huda, Banyumas. The keynote speaker, Dr. Nur Rofiah, Bil Uzm (KUPI Consultative Assembly) introduced the history of the KUPI’ movement, and pointed out the Islamic view of the relationship between women and men.

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