Audiensi Hasil Konsultasi Nasional Masyarakat Sipil Indonesia untuk ASEAN Plan of Action on Women, Peace and Security bersama Perwakilan ASEAN Committee on Women

AMAN Indonesia together with the civil society network held a series of hearings about the results of the National consolidation to respond to the upcoming of ASEAN Regional Plan of Action on Women, Peace and Security. The first hearing was held with the Chair of ASEAN Committee on Women (ACW), Lenny Nurhayanti Rosalin (27/8/2022).

Attended by the representatives of CSO, including Beranda Perempuan, PSGIS Universitas Airlangga, Yayasan Empatiku, Kartini Manakara Sulawesi Barat, PERCIK Salatiga, Srikandi Lintas Iman, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Balai Syura, Iwasor, AWPF, Mengayu, PKPSH, LP2, GA4P, Yayasan Keluarga Penyintas, National Coalition Against Gender-based Violence dan Peacebuilding Project. Ruby Kholifah as representatives of the CSO deliver the summary of the consultation’s results, as well as the CSO’s imagination of the face of the regional action plan reflected on the situation and condition of each states in ASEAN, including accommodate the recommendation and best practises of Indonesia for the implementation on WPS agenda in 4 pillars, prevention, protection, participation, relief and recovery.

While, Lenny R Rosalin, Deputy of Gender Equality, MoWE-CP stated her appreciation to the civil society network who take part in those processes. She pointed out that it was strengthening the penta helix (whole government and whole civil society) approach and multi actor collaboration to the implementation of WPS Agenda in Indonesia. This would be strategic considering in this year, Indonesia took responsibility as ACW Chair and the Ministerial Meeting on Women’s Chair. Moreover, Indonesia will take a big responsibility as ASEAN Chair for the next year.

The second virtual hearing (29/7/2022) was conducted by AMAN Indonesia, and invited the representatives of ACWC (the ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children), Sri Danti Anwar. Attended by several CSO, including AMAN Indonesia, Lembaga Partisipasi Perempuan, Flower Aceh, Sekodi, Peacebuilding Projects, PSGIS UNAIR, PKPSH, dan Iwasor. The summary result was delivered by Hanifah, the representatives of AMAN Indonesia and the civil society network.

Meanwhile, Sri Danti Anwar pointed out the missing recommendation which would be great to propose by the civil society network in the next opportunity, especially in the coordination mechanism. It will be discussed in the next ACWC’ meeting. In addition, Danti also stated that the ASEAN Regional Plan of Action on WPS will accommodate non-traditional security, for instance like trafficking and disaster issues.

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